

Curcumin C3 Complex®,專利Curcuma Longa 薑黃複合物,是從乾薑黃(薑黃)的根莖中提取,標準化最少95%的薑黃素,含3種主要薑黃色素化合物:薑黃素、去甲氧基薑黃素DMC,和去二甲氧基薑黃素BDMC。Curcumin C3 Complex®是市場上生物活性最強的薑黃素,因而也是最有效的薑黃素。


眾多藥理學和臨床試驗證實Curcumin C3 Complex®有助於:

  • 消滅自由基和防止自由基的產生,是有效的“生物保護劑“和抗氧化劑

  • 抑制COX-2環氧合酶2,炎症因子如TNF-α,單核細胞趨化蛋白MCP,和幾種白細胞介素來緩和炎症,而且不同於傳統的非類固醇抗發炎藥物,Curcumin C3 Complex®不會引起胃腸道副作用或潰瘍,有益於一般炎症、放射性皮炎、術後炎症、口腔黏膜炎、骨關節炎等

  • 通過抑制破壞酶來防止結締組織的分解,支援傷口恢復,如:類風濕關節炎、口腔扁平苔蘚、牛皮癬等

  • 支持健康的心血管

  • 肥胖

  • 代謝綜合症

  • 認知健康,預防和干預老人癡呆症,阿爾茨海默氏病

  • 支持健康的免疫系統,抗菌抗病毒

  • 抗腫瘤/癌症,如結直腸癌、胃癌、乳腺癌、膀胱癌、淋巴癌、皮膚癌、胰腺癌、意義未明的單克隆免疫球蛋白病、多發性骨髓瘤等


US5,861,415 & EP0,839,037 - 薑黃素的生物保護組成,使用方法和提取過程


  1. Curcumin/Piperine – IND study approved: IND# 61,872 - FDA Office of Drug Evaluation I, Division of Oncology Drug Products

  2. The effects of Curcuminoids on aberrant crypt foci in the human colon: IND# 51,685 薑黃素對人類結腸中隱窩病灶的影響 UMDNJ- Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Jersey Cancer Institute

  3. Pilot study of Curcuminoids with or without BioPerine® in patients with multiple myeloma: IND# 67,963  多發性骨髓瘤患者中薑黃素加或不加黑胡椒粉萃取物的臨床試驗 MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas

  4. Prevention and intervention of Alzheimer’s disease with curcuminoids: 薑黃素預防和干預阿爾茨海默氏病(老人癡呆症)University of California, Los Angeles

  5. Curcuminoids in patients with Lichen planus: IND# 65,700/S-000 薑黃素對扁平苔蘚患者的功效University of California

  6. Phase IIa prevention study of C3 Complex® curcuminoids in women at increased risk for breast cancer 薑黃素對高風險乳腺癌婦女的第二階段預防研究 MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas

  7. The clinical and laboratory effects of topical curcuminoids in patients with normal skin and with dysplastic and benign nevi 局部薑黃素對正常皮膚和良性痣的臨床和實驗室效果 National Cancer Institute

  8. Phase II prevention study with C3 Complex® curcuminoids in patients with colorectal cancer stage I-III 薑黃素對第一至第三期結直腸癌的第二階段預防研究 Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center, Bronx, NY

  9. Phase I trial of C3 Complex® and precooperative patients with locally advanced esophageal or gastroesophageal carcinoma 薑黃素對局部晚期食管或胃食管癌的第一階段預協試驗 MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas

  10. Metabolic studies and chemopreventive studies 代謝和化學預防研究 University of Leicester, UK

  11. Antioxidant effects of curcuminoids in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized controlled trial. Inflammopharmacology. 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s10787-016-0301-4.  薑黃素C3複合物可作為治療氧化應激介導的乙型糖尿病進展及其長期並發症的安全有效的抗氧化劑補充劑

  12. Adjunctive Therapy with Curcumin for Peptic Ulcer: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Drug Res. 2016.66:1-5.  薑黃素C3複合物和BioPerine®一起被認為是消化性潰瘍的有效輔助劑,並且無副作用

  13. Effects of Curcuminoids-Piperine Combination on Systemic Oxidative Stress, Clinical Symptomes and Quality of Life in Subjects with Chronic Pulmonary Complications Due to Sulfur Mustard: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Diet Suppl. 2016; 13(1):93-105.  薑黃素C3複合物合併BioPerine®可緩解芥子毒氣引起的慢性肺部並發症的臨床症狀,改善健康相關的生活質量

  14. Mitigation of Systemic Oxidative Stress by Curcuminoids in Osteoarthritis: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial. J Diet Suppl. 2016; 13(2):209-20.  薑黃素C3複合物合併BioPerine®可緩解骨關節炎的症狀如僵硬、疼痛,以及增加關節的活動性

  15. The effect of curcumin on some of traditional and non-traditional cardiovascular risk factors: a pilot randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Iran J Pharm Res. 2015; 14(2): 479-486.  薑黃素C3複合物 降低血清低密度脂蛋白膽固醇LDL-C,極低密度脂蛋白膽固醇VLDL-C和三酸甘油酯,降低心血管疾病風險

Curcumin C3 Complex®是Sabinsa Corporation的註冊商標

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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