

SGS™是萃取自花椰菜的種子的專利葡萄糖蘿蔔硫苷Glucoraphanin,葡萄糖蘿蔔硫苷經芥子酶myrosinase或人體腸道微生物轉化為生物活化形式蘿蔔硫素Sulforaphane。蘿蔔硫素是肝臟解毒第二道程序Phase II解毒酵素的誘導劑,它激發人體的Phase II酵素,發揮解毒作用,使經過第一道解毒程序的分子失去活性,中和毒素分子對細胞和DNA的傷害。


SGS™激發人體Phase II酵素的活性,提升肝臟的解毒功能,也提升了身體自身的抗氧化能力

SGS™增加Phase II酵素,發揮解毒功能, 有效的將多種致癌物質和污染源隔絕在身體之外,像是廚房油煙、油炸燒烤類食物、空氣污染、工廠廢氣中等的有害物質,SGS™可藉由活化Phase II酵素來降低毒素對人體細胞的傷害.


  • SGS™抑制不只一種癌腫瘤,所以醫生就不需要針對每一種腫瘤,個別設計一套因應對策.

  • SGS™最厲害的是它有很多種不同的方法來對抗癌症。正如我們已經提到的,它可以增加 Phase II 酵素的量,這些酵素有點像是保護身體的地方警力。它們把製造麻煩的致癌物質抓起來,排出身體外。法國科學家最近還發現另一個機能,他們在實驗室的人類大腸癌細胞研究當中發現,SGS™還可以導致異常細胞的細胞週期中止和細胞凋亡,這兩種情況都有助於禁止腫瘤的發展.


  • 有效抵抗幽門桿菌 Helicobacter Pylori,也可大幅降低得胃炎,甚至胃癌的風險.

  • 可減少酒精不耐症

  • 緩解自閉症的症狀


  • US5,725,895 – 從十字花科種子製備食品的方法

  • US 5,968,567 – 從十字花科種子製備食品的方法

  • US 6,521,818 – 開發新型高度化學保護劑十字花科種質

  • US 5,411,986 – 化學保護異硫氰酸酯

  • US 5,968,505 – 癌症化學保護食品

  • US 6,242,018 – 癌症化學保護食品

  • US 6,177,122 – 癌症化學保護食品

  • US 7,303,770 – 癌症化學保護食


  1. Fahey JW et al., Antioxidant Functions of Sulforaphane: a Potent Inducer of Phase II Detoxication Enzymes. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 1999. 37: 973-979. 蘿蔔硫素是一種非常有效的Phase II酵素誘導劑,也可以提高細胞穀胱甘肽水平

  2. Marion Nestle. Broccoli sprouts as inducers of carcinogen-detoxifying enzyme systems: Clinical, dietary, and policy implications. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1997. 94:11149-11151. 西蘭花芽作為致癌物質解毒酵素系統的誘導劑

  3. Jed W. Fahey et al., Broccoli sprouts: An exceptionally rich source of inducers of enzymes that protect against chemical carcinogens. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1997. 94:10367-10372. 西蘭花芽是一種異常豐富的可防止化學致癌物的酵素誘導劑來源

  4. Theresa A. Shapiro et al., Chemoprotective Glucosinolates and Isothiocyanates of Broccoli Sprouts: Metabolism and Excretion in Humans. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. May 2001;10:501-508. 西蘭花芽菜的化學保護性硫代葡萄糖苷和異硫氰酸鹽

  5. Adeline Seow et al., Dietary isothiocyanates, glutathione S-transferase polymorphisms and colorectal cancer risk in the Singapore Chinese Health Study. Carcinogenesis. 2002; 23(12): 2055-2061. 十字花科蔬菜膳食攝入降低結直腸癌風險

  6. Albena T. Dinkova-Kostova et al., Direct evidence that sulfhydryl groups of Keap1 are the sensors regulating induction of phase 2 enzymes that protect against carcinogens and oxidants. PNAS. 2002; 99(18): 11908-11913. Keap1蛋白的硫氰基是調節誘導第二道解毒程序酵素的傳感器,防止致癌物質和氧化物

  7. Albena T. Dinkova-Kostova et al., Extremely potent triterpenoid inducers of the phase 2 response: Correlations of protection against oxidant and inflammatory stress. PNAS. 2005; 102(12): 4584-4589. 非常有效的第二道解毒程序誘導劑,防止氧化和炎症應激

  8. Xiangqun Gao and Paul Talalay.  Induction of phase 2 genes by sulforaphane protects retinal pigment epithelial cells against photooxidative damage. PNAS. 2004; 101(28): 10446-10451. 蘿蔔硫素誘導2期相關基因可保護視網膜色素上皮細胞免受光氧化損傷

  9. Xiangqun Gao et al., Powerful and prolonged protection of human retinal pigment epithelial cells, keratinocytes, and mouse leukemia cells against oxidative damage: The indirect antioxidant effects of sulforaphane. PNAS. 2001; 98(26): 15221-15226. 蘿蔔硫素對人視網膜色素上皮細胞,角質形成細胞和小鼠白血病細胞的抗氧化損傷具有強大而持久的保護作用

  10. Albena T. Dinkova-Kostova et al., Protection against UV-light-induced skin carcinogenesis in SKH-1 high-risk mice by sulforaphane-containing broccoli sprout extracts. Elsevier Ireland Ltd. 2005. Doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2005.09.012. 含蘿蔔硫素的西蘭花芽提取物防止紫外線誘導的皮膚癌變

  11. Hans J. Prochaska et al., Rapid detection of inducers of enzymes that protect against carcinogens. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1992; 89: 2394-2398. 快速檢測防止致癌物質的酵素誘導劑

  12. Steven J.T. Jackson and Keith W. Singletary. Sulforaphane: a naturally occurring mammary carcinoma mitotic inhibitor, which disrupts tubulin polymerization. Carcinogenesis. 2004; 25(2): 219-227. 蘿蔔硫素抑制乳腺癌有絲分裂,破壞微管蛋白聚合

  13. Steven J.T. Jackson and Keith W. Singletary. Sulforaphane Inhibits Human MCF-7 Mammary Cancer Cell Mitotic Progression and Tubulin Polymerization. J Nutr. 2004 Sep; 134(9):2229-36. 蘿蔔硫素抑制人MCF-7乳腺癌細胞有絲分裂進展和微管蛋白聚合

  14. Chiao JW et al., Sulforaphane and its metabolite mediate growth arrest and apoptosis in human prostate cancer cell. Int J Oncol. 2002 Mar; 20(3):631-6. 蘿蔔硫素及其代謝物介導人前列腺癌細胞的生長停滯和凋亡

  15. Egner PA et al., Rapid and sustainable detoxication of airborne pollutants by broccoli sprout beverage: results of a randomized clinical trial in China. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2014 Aug; 7(8): 813-823. Doi: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-14-0103. Epub 2014 Jun 9. 每日食用富含葡萄糖蘿蔔硫苷或蘿蔔硫素的飲料會產生迅速,顯著且持續的排除更高水平的苯,一種已知的人類致癌物質,和丙烯醛,一種肺部刺激物

  16. Ushida Y, Talalay P. Sulforaphane Accelerates Acetaldehyde Metabolism by Inducing Aldehyde Dehydrogenases: Relevance to Ethanol Intolerance. Alcohol Alcohol. 2013; 48(5): 526-34. Doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agt063. Epub 2013 Jul 3. 蘿蔔硫素可改善酒精不耐受性

  17. Yanaka, A et al., Dietary Sulforaphane-Rich Broccoli Sprouts Reduce Colonization and Attenuate Gastritis in Helicobacter pylori–Infected Mice and Humans. Cancer Prevention Research. 2009;2(4): 353-60. Doi: 10.1158/1940-6207CAPR-08-0192. 西蘭花芽降低了幽門螺旋桿菌和胃炎的生物標誌物水平。

  18. Kanwaljit Singh et al., Sulforaphane treatment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2014 Oct 28; 111(43): 15550-15555. 蘿蔔硫素改善自閉症譜系障礙的社交溝通

SGS™是Brassica Protection Products LLC的註冊商標

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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