

Triphala三果實是三種植物乾果的等量混合物,分別為Terminalia belerica毗黎勒 (Bibhitaka),Terminalia chebula 訶子 (Haritaki),Emblica officinalis餘甘子 (Amlaki)。三果實兼具營養和解毒的活性,在印度已有數百年的歷史用於標準的保健品,它協調消化、營養吸收、和代謝過程。



1. 心血管健康

  • 降膽固醇,預防動脈粥樣硬化

  • 三果實有負性變時和變力性效應,減少工作量而保護心肌

2. 抗氧化

  • 三果實所含的有效成分餘甘子乙醇萃取物、單寧酸如沒食子酸和鞣花酸都具有抗氧化功能,可管理自由基鏈反應介導的變性疾病

3. 消化功能

  • 刺激膽汁分泌,增加蠕動

  • 幫助食物有效通過消化道,降低胃酸

  • 調節代謝過程

  • 抑制未消化食物的存在,和代謝障礙引起的毒素堆積

4. 保肝作用

  • 對抗因四氯化碳引起的肝臟的生理和生化改變,而且明顯逆轉多數的變化

5. 調節腸道微生物群

  • 促進有益的雙歧桿菌和乳酸菌

  • 抑制不需要的腸道微生物的生長

6. 抗炎症


  1. Thakur, C.P. et al., The Ayurvedic medicines Haritaki, Amla and Bahira reduce cholesterol induced atherosclerosis in rabbits. Int. J. Cardiology. 1998 Nov; 21(2):167-175. 三種果實均降低血清膽固醇、肝臟和主動脈的膽固醇含量

  2. Srivastava, R.D. et al. (1990) Cardiovascular effects of Terminalia species of plants. Indian Drugs 29(4): 144-149. Terminalia chebula 和 Terminalia belerica保護心肌

  3. Shaila, H.P.  et al., Preventative actions of Terminalia belerica in experimantally induced atherosclerosis. Int. J. Cardiology. 1995 Apr; 49(2):101-106. Terminalia belerica預防實驗誘導性動脈粥樣硬化

  4. Miglani, B.D. et al., Purgative action of an oil obtained from Terminalia chebula. Ind. J. Med. Res. 1971 Feb;59(2):281-283. Terminalia chebula核仁油獲得的蔥醌刺激膽汁分泌增強蠕動

  5. Chawla, Y.K. et al., Treatment of dyspepsia with Amalaki (Emblica officinalis Linn.)-an Ayurvedic drug. Ind. J. Med. Res. 1982 Dec; 76(Suppl): 95-98. Emblica officinalis 可作為治療消化不良常規抗酸藥的替代物

  6. Rajarama Rao, M.R. and Siddiqui, H. (1963) Pharmacological Studies on Emblica officinalis Gaertn. Ind. J. Exptal Biol. 29-31.  Emblica officinalis具抗氧化性質

  7. Anand, K.K. et al. (1997) 3’4’5-Trihydroxy benzoic acid (gallic acid)’ the hepatoprotective principle in the fruits of Terminalia belerica-bioassay guided activity. Pharmacol. Res. 1997 Oct; 36 (4): 315-321. Terminalia belerica 分離出來的沒食子酸對抗因四氯化碳引起的肝臟的生理和生化改變,具保肝活性

  8. Christine Tara Peterson et al., Therapeutic Uses of Triphala in Ayurvedic Medicine. J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Aug 1; 23(8):607-614. Triphala對食慾刺激,胃酸過多,抗氧化,抗炎,免疫調節,抗菌,抗突變,調節性,降血糖,抗腫瘤,化療保護等多種臨床應用具有潛在的療效

  9. Mukherjee et al., Clinical Study of 'Triphala' – A Well Known Phytomedicine from India. Iranian Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics 5(1). Jan 2006 三果實可以有效用於治療便秘和其他胃病

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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